What is the Difference Between CELTA and the Cert IV in TESOL?

When stepping into the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), it’s paramount to acquire a credible, widely-recognized qualification that will set you on the path to a successful career, both locally and globally. The question often arises: Should you opt for the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) or the Certificate IV in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Cert IV in TESOL)? This post aims to shed light on the main differences between these two courses and assist you in making an informed decision.

Reputation and Recognition

Firstly, it’s important to consider the reputation and recognition of the certification you choose. CELTA, awarded by Cambridge Assessment English, is a globally recognized qualification endorsed by employers in virtually every corner of the world. This course’s reputation is solidly rooted in the ELT industry, making it an attractive choice for aspiring English teachers.

On the other hand, the Cert IV in TESOL is a nationally recognized qualification in Australia, but its international recognition is relatively limited. While it may open some doors within Australia, employers outside the country might not hold it in the same regard as a CELTA. For this reason, if you’re planning to work internationally, the CELTA might give you a competitive edge over other candidates with a Cert IV in TESOL.

Quality of Training

Secondly, it’s crucial to examine the effectiveness and quality of the training offered by each course. CELTA tutors are seasoned professionals with postgraduate qualifications, significant teaching practice, and rigorous training and standardisation by Cambridge. They are skilled at providing support to candidates and honing their teaching abilities. The experience and knowledge of CELTA tutors contribute significantly to the program’s robust training model.

In contrast, the qualifications and experience required for Cert IV in TESOL tutors vary. They might not necessarily possess the same level of experience, teaching skills, or rigorous training that CELTA tutors do. This discrepancy could potentially affect the quality of training and support you receive during the course.

Entry Requirements

The third significant difference lies in the entry requirements. CELTA requires a high standard of both oral and written English. Although non-native English speakers are welcome, they must demonstrate a level of proficiency that enables them to assist advanced English learners and complete written assignments. Conversely, the Cert IV in TESOL does not impose such stringent language requirements, meaning even intermediate level English language learners can undertake the course.

Cost Considerations

Lastly, let’s talk about the cost. The price of the Cert IV in TESOL can range from $1,500 to $5,000, while the cost of a CELTA course is more consistent across different centres, typically falling between $3,100 – $3,500(AU). Although the prices may seem comparable, it’s crucial to consider the potential return on investment. The CELTA may initially seem costlier, but the doors it can open in terms of employment make it a worthy investment.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, while both CELTA and Cert IV in TESOL provide pathways into the field of English Language Teaching, CELTA appears to offer broader recognition, superior training, and a potentially higher return on investment, particularly for those planning to work internationally. However, the ultimate choice will depend on your personal career goals, circumstances, and budget.